Education and art: the consolidation of an endless field


  • Marcos Villela Pereira



Education and art, Aesthetic education, Art teaching


The aim of this paper is to explore some ideas about education, art and its relationship, showing the condition of this endless study and research field. Taking the teacher education as horizon line, repeats a subjective processes and aesthetic understanding crossing referral: the aesthetics-of-existence as a human classic theme and teacher-training as a complex and multifaceted process of subjectivity. The place of art in education, the relationship between art and education, the place of art in life, the meaning of education, the implications between life, art and education, who comes before, who comes after, who depends on who, who serves as that: not so much the content of this problem, not so much the answers, but the movement itself to ask that matters be problematized. As corpus of reflexion will be taken four texts of Noemia Varela, an important brazilian art-educator: “Criatividade na escola e formação do professor”, of 1972; “Movimento Escolinhas de Arte: imagens e idéias”, of 1973; “O desafio da formação de recursos humanos para a educação através da arte”, of 1977; and “A formação do arte educador no Brasil”, of 1984. The material will be confronted with contemporary categories of the field of education and art, seeking to speculate its infinite potential for research.


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Author Biography

Marcos Villela Pereira

Licenciado em Filosofia, Doutor em Educação, Professor Titular e Coordenador do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação em Educação da PUCRS


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. V. (2010). Education and art: the consolidation of an endless field. Revista Digital Do LAV, 4(4), 119–138.