Navigating the maze with Marcel Duchamp
Contemporary art, Marcel Duchamp, Maze, AndrogenesisAbstract
To show how the works of the artist Marcel Duchamp insert in Contemporary Art and how the existence of its several fragments, sketches and studies are central points for the construction of a world of reveries that brings separate concepts in a labyrinthine way. The studies and works of Duchamp are parts of a maze that runs through time-space and whose marks are strongly associated to the way of thinking the Contemporany Art when it includes the other. What passes through the span of the other as co-artist carries in itself something subjective, what made possible to approach several chains of thing, making possible for then to find themselves through this research whose concepts were outline during its accomplishment. To analyse and research are part of the developed process and bring the aprroach between the works of Duchamp and whats I have done during some years throug the Art.Downloads
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