Free software and hacker ethics as propellers of artistic and cultural projects on the Internet


  • Karla Schuch Brunet



Free software, Collaboration, Ethic, Art, Culture


This paper uses the theories regarding free software movement and applies its values and ethics to a study of collaborative socio-cultural projects on the Internet. Many of the moral values attributed to hackers that do collaborative work to produce software as, for example, Linux, they are encourager and motivators of a great variety of projects in other knowledge areas. Here there are statements of some artistic and cultural projects that use this ethic to produce and attain success with their objectives.


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Author Biography

Karla Schuch Brunet

Professora Colaboradora da Pós Graduação em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas, UFBA. Pós- doutoranda e pesquisadora do Grupo de Pesquisa em Cibercidade, UFBA


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How to Cite

Brunet, K. S. (2010). Free software and hacker ethics as propellers of artistic and cultural projects on the Internet. Revista Digital Do LAV, 2(2), 099–111.