Moving bodies: on the creative journey of the work of Carlos Vergara
Carlos Vergara, Process of creation, Displacement of visibleAbstract
This article has some points contained in my master's research, referring to the work of artist Carlos Vergara. In this paper, the focus is given to the construction process of three works, St. Michael - Sacred Heart (Monotype and painting on raw canvas) MS 4 (3D lenticular) and San Miguel - Level VI (Monotype on raw canvas), initiated during the intervention of the artist in the ruins of San Miguel Mission (2008). As results, it was confirmed the presence of photographic language in the process of these three works, in which physical movements are evident. When shifted to environmental exposure, these works hold such displacements, which are evidenced by monotypes. However, the visual works often covers developments from other dislocations, which prove through analysis of process documentation. Thus, it becomes evident the possibility of offsets contained in the disaggregate the works in the same direction, thus enabling the emergence of new regimes of visibility.Downloads
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