Visual culture and education of the gaze: images and literacy


  • Sergio Martínez Luna Universidad Camilo José Cela de Madrid. Proyecto de Investigación: Culturas Epistémicas, Estándares, Prácticas Cognitivas y Conocimiento. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.



Image, Visual Culture, Education process, Visual literacy


Contemporary visual culture has a qualitative impact on the ways of relation with the world and the others. Systems of production and consumption of images demand a critical approach that school cannot ignore. Educational processes are affected by these transformations. Contemporary media redefine forms of legitimacy, knowing, teaching, and relating to others. There are discourses that attribute the blame for the decadence of education and culture to an excess of images. However, it makes more sense to acknowledge the mediating dimension of image and therefore to consider it as experiential and political. The notion that image is transparent results in the invisibility of the meanings and cultural repertoires that images hold, as a hidden curriculum. The paper suggests an approach to that question from the idea that contemporary visuality is not essentially visual, as long as it is crossed by language and the other senses. On that basis, the need for a visual literacy and a critical look is stressed. Cultura visual y educación de la mirada: imágenes y alfabetización


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Author Biography

Sergio Martínez Luna, Universidad Camilo José Cela de Madrid. Proyecto de Investigación: Culturas Epistémicas, Estándares, Prácticas Cognitivas y Conocimiento. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Doctor en Humanidades Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Profesor Universidad Camilo José Cela de Madrid. Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales.

Participa en el Proyecto de Investigación: Culturas Materiales, Culturas Epistémicas. Estándares, Prácticas cognitivas y conocimiento. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Martínez Luna, S. (2015). Visual culture and education of the gaze: images and literacy. Revista Digital Do LAV, 7(3), 003–018.