Instructions to Authors
Instructions to Authors
If you are not registered, click on the link
At the end of the registration page you will find the option “Register as”. You must select “Author” and click on “Register”.
Steps for submission of papers:
Access the system of the Revista Digital do LAV-
Enter your login and password.
1. On user page click on “Author”.
2. Click on the link below the sentence “Start a new submission” to send a new paper.
3. There are only 5 steps to complete the submission.
Step 1 - Home
1.1 Select the section.
1.2 Mark all the conditions of submission.
1.3 Save and continue.
Step 2 – Inclusion of Metadata
2.1 Complete correctly the fields with data from the author. If the article has more authors, click on “Add Author” and complete the fields again with data from author respective.
2.2 Complete the fields “Title” and “Abstract”.
2.3 Save and continue.
Step 3 – Transference of the Manuscript
3.1 Click on “Search”, select the paper and click on “Transfer”. IMPORTANT! The article must not contain the identification data of the authors. These data should be send in another document (see next step).
3.2 Save and continue.
Step 4 – Transference of Supplementary Documents
4.1 Click on “Search”, select the file with the data of the authors and click on “Transfer”.
4.2 Save and continue.
Step 5 - Confirmation of Submission
5.1 Click on “Finish submission”
Ready! Your article is in process of evaluation. Follow the process by system.
Whenever you conclude yours activities in the Electronic System, search the right margin the world “USER” and click on “get out of system”.
Periodicity – four-monthly
First four months, Jan./Apr. publication deadline April 30th
Second four months, May/Aug. publication deadline August 31st
Third four months, Sep./Dec. publication deadline December 31st
Principal Contact
Editoria da Revista Digital do Laboratório de Artes Visuais
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM
Centro de Educação - Prédio 16
Sala 3366 - Laboratório de Artes Visuais
97105-900 - Santa Maria - RS, Brasil
Phone: (55) 3220 8926 ramal 31
Support Contact
Revista Digital do Laboratório de Artes Visuais
Phone: (55) 3220- 8197