General Guidelines for Publishing in the Journal
Revista Digital do LAV is organized in the sections Dossier, Continuous Demand and Review and is addressed to the publication of unpublished papers in the field of Visual Arts Education, Visual Culture Education and other themes related to Education and Arts. The journal does not accept papers simultaneously submitted to other journals or books. Revista Digital do LAV will accept papers for publication in the following categories: Continuous demand – researchers’ scientific articles understood as a complete or partial report of an experimental work based on the assumption that the results are obtained after a research planning. They should be minimum 10 and maximum 25 pages long. Reviews – texts must include all the data about the work (publisher, year of publication, city and page number). They should be minimun 3 and maximun 5 pages long, including the image of the work’s cover. Works must be addressed to the President of the Editorial Committee, via Electronic Journal Publishing System (SEER), who will submit it to the Editorial Committee’s assessment. The reviewers’ names will be kept in secrecy. The President of the Editorial Committee will let the authors know if their papers have been approved for publication. The notification will be accompanied of a copy of the reviewers’ opinion without their identification. The presentation of a plurality of theoretical perspectives is one of the pillars of the Revista Digital do LAV’s editorial policy, as attested by its history of leadership in the proposition of burning issues in the field of Education, seen through several epistemological perspectives. The journal aims to serve as a vehicle not only for knowledge and already established research, but also innovative perspectives concerning both argumentation and methodology, which are alternative views to the established models. It will not publish articles of a same author and/or coauthor consecutively, having at least one issue of interval between their publications.
1. Revista Digital do LAV publishes original work in the field of Visual Arts Education, Visual Culture Education and themes related to Education and Art. The journal does not accept papers simultaneously submitted to other journals or books and considers the journal’s editorial line to evaluation.
2. Works considered to publication should fall in the following categories: researchers’ scientific articles – understood as a complete or partial report of an experimental work based on the assumption that the results are obtained after a research planning – essays and reviews.
3. Works must be addressed to the President of the Editorial Committee, via Electronic Journal Publishing System (SEER), who will submit it to the Editorial Committee’s assessment, for verifying the adequacy to the journal’s editorial policy and the compliance with the guidelines. The articles will be sent with no identification to at least two external reviewers. In case of evaluation discrepancy, the paper will be sent to a third reviewer. The reviewers’ names will be kept in secrecy.
4. The journal, in the figure of the Chief Editor, will notify the main author if the article is approved for publication or rejected. This notification will be accompanied of a copy of the reviewers’ opinion without their identification..
5. Articles should be minimum 10 and maximum 25 pages long. The font used must be Verdana 10, and line spacing 1,5.
6. Review texts must include all data about the work (publisher, year of publication, city and page number). They should be minimun 3 and maximun 5 pages long, including the image of the work’s cover. This production must present a commentary about a recent work or the relaunch of a classic in the field of Education. The author should indicate the field to which the work belongs, the author’s main ideas and a critical apreciation, mentioning its contribution to the fields of Education and Art.
7. Articles must be written in the following idioms: Portuguese, Spanish, and English. All articles must include title (centered, upper case) WITHOUT AUTHORS’ IDENTIFICATION. These texts must be written in a clear and concise manner.
8. Articles and Reviews shall be electronically sent via SEER, <>. The text must be typed in Microsoft Word or InDesign text processors, in font style Verdana, size 10, line spacing 1,5. If there are images, tables or charts, these must be centered, with numbered subtitles as "Figure.01" in Verdana, bold, size 10, also centered, below each image. There must not be image lists. Illustrations must be high quality. Tables and charts: they must be centered, having 1 pt borders, with subtitles numbered as "Table.01" or "Chart.01", Verdana font style, size 10, also centered, ABOVE each table/chart. There must not be table and/or chart lists. The manuscript must be sent via SEER in the form of manuscript transfer.
9. The name(s) of the author(s) must be written in full and included through forms and metadata, all required information must be carefully filled out. Authors must indicate full address and e-mail for article divulgation. They must also include their higher level of education, institutional afiliation, professional role in their institution, city, state and country. Authors must also provide metadata about their mail address, phone and fax numbers. In URL, authors must indicate their Lattes CV link.
10. Each manuscript must be headed by a title in Brazilian Portuguese or Spanish or English, having up to 95 characters with spaces. If the paper is in Portuguese, the title must be in Portuguese, followed by its version in English and an abstract, firstly in Portuguese and then in English. If the text is written in Spanish, the title must be in Spanish, followed by its version in English, and the abstracts in both Spanish and English respectively. If the text is written in English, the title must be in English followed by its version in Portuguese and the abstracts respectively in English and Portuguese. Abstracts in Portuguese must be preceeded by the word Resumo in bold, initial letter capitazed and followed by lower case, without colon, and the term Palavras-chave, initial letter capitalized and lower case (from 3 to 5 keywords separated by commas). If in English, it must be preceeded by the word Abstract in bold, initial letter capitazed and followed by lower case, without colon, and the term Keywords, initial letter capitalized and lower case (from 3 to 5 keywords separated by commas), without extra line spacing. If in Spanish, it must be preceeded by the word Resumen in bold, initial letter capitazed and followed by lower case, without colon, and the term Palabras-clave, initial letter capitalized and lower case (from 3 to 5 keywords separated by commas), without extra line spacing. The abstract must include the research theme, objective, method, results, and conclusion. It should not exceed 10 lines, or 150 words.
11. Manuscripts must present clear and fluent writing. Footnotes: Verdana, size 8, inserted on the PAGE THEY ARE INDICATED. Footnotes must only be used for clarification or further elaboration of concepts, references to authors must be included in the body of the text. E.g.: (SILVA, 2005, p.31). The use of footnotes should not exceed 200 words.
12. For evaluating the manuscripts, reviewers will observe the following criteria: 1) Relevance of work to current discussions; 2) Relevance of work to the journal’s field and scope; 3) Conceptual clarity and theoretical consistency in the approach of the theme; 4) Quality and rigor in the theoretical and methodological approach and argumentation; 5) Use of updated references.
13. Quotations must follow ABNT’s NBR 10520, August 2002, which determines:
– direct citation up to three lines must be inserted in the main text and placed between double quotation marks. It should also indicate the author of the discourse.
After quotation: “Citation” (SILVA; GOMES, year, p. 123).
Before quotation or in the main text: According to Silva (year, p. 123) “Citation”, or Silva (year, p. 123) affirms that: “[...] citation”.
– direct citation with more than three lines must be detached from main text, indented 4cm from the left margin, single spacing, same font of main text, without quotation marks. At the end, there must be: (AUTHOR’S SURNAME CAPITALIZED, year, p. 123).
– indirect citation, that is to say text based in consulted author, the previous criteria for author’s reference must be addopted; outside parentheses, the name start with capital letter followed by lower case; inside parentheses, the author’s surname is capitalized.
– the following resources must be used:
[...] to indicate suppressions;
[ ] to indicate interpolation, addition or commentaries;
bold or italics as emphasis;
(verbal information)1 to data from verbal information in lectures, debates, etc., with reference as footnote. Footnote example: 1News provided by the lecturer’s Name and Surname in the Event, in Place, in month and year.
emphasis in the original or our emphasis: used after page number to clarify the emphasis authorship. E.g.: (SILVA, year, p. 123, emphasis in the original)
14. Concepts and statements in the articles are the authors’ full responsibility.
15. Spelling and grammar revisions, in Portuguese and English, are the authors’ full responsibility.
16. References must be typed in accordance with ABNT norms NBR 6023, August 2002, including only works cited in the text.
All here presented examples are ficcional.
– Personal author
SURNAME (capitalized letters), A. B. (Initial of first and other names capitalized) Title. 2. ed. (Edition) Place: Publishing House, year. 224p.
– Up to 3 authors
SILVA, E. T.; GOMES, G. V.; SOUZA, M. N. Title. 13. ed. revised and expanded. Place: Publishing House, year.
– More than 3 authors
SILVA, E. T. et al. Title: subtitle. Place: Publishing House, year.
– Editor(s), coordenator(s), translator(s)
SILVA, E.T.; GOMES, G.V. (Ed.). Title. Translated by Name and Surname. [S.l.: s.n.] (in case there is no place and publishing house), year.
– Corporate author
BRASIL. Education Ministery. Title. Brasília, DF, year. 123p.
– No author
FIRST word of the title. Place: Publishing House, year.
– Monograph excerpts
SILVA, E. T. Excerpt title. In: SURNAME, N. S. (Ed.). Monograph title. Place: Publishing House, year. chap. 1, p. 3-9.
SILVA, E. T. Excerpt title. In: ______. (in case the author of this part is the same as the whole publication). Monograph title. Place: Publishing House, year. chap. 1, p. 3-9.
– Monographs and monograph excerpts in electronic and online media
SILVA, E. T. Title. Place: Publishing House, year. 1 CD-ROM.
SANTA MARIA. In: ENCICLOPÉDIA virtual dos municípios do RS. Place: Publishing House, year. CD-ROM 1.
SILVA, E. T. Title. [S.l]: Publishing House, year. Available at: <>. Access on: Jan. 3, 2000.
ENTRY. In: FOREIGN language dictionary. Place: Publishing House, year. Available at: <http://www.completeurl>. Access on: Jan. 3, 2000.
– Scientific events (communication)
SILVA, E. T.; GOMES, G. V. Title. In: TITLE OF THE EVENT CAPITALIZED, 1. (Event number/edition, if applicable), year, place (event’s). Proceedings ... (same case to Abstracts...) Place (publication’s): Publishing House, year. p. 3-9. (If electronic media, add phisical description of the resource used after page number. e. g.: ... p. 3-9. 1 CD-ROM.)
– Scientific events (communication) online
SILVA, E. T.; GOMES, G. V. Title. In: TITLE OF THE EVENT CAPITALIZED, 1. (Event number/edition, if applicable), year, place (event’s). Electronic Proceedings ... (same case to Abstracts...) Place (publication’s): Publishing House, year. Available at: <http://www.completeurl>. Access on: 3 jan. 2000.
– Articles and/or report on a magazine
SILVA, E. T. Article title. Publication title, place, n. 1 (issue number), p. 3-9 (initial and final page number), jan. 2000 (date of publication).
– Online articles
SILVA, E. T. Article title. Publication title. Place, issue number, jan. 2000 (date of publication). Available at: <http://www.url completa>. Access on: 3 jan. 2000.
Revista Digital do Laboratório de Artes Visuais
Federal University of Santa Maria
1000 Roraima Ave
Center of Education – Building 16
Room 3366 – Visual Arts Laboratory
97105-900 – Santa Maria – RS, Brazil
Phone number: (55) 3220 8926 ext. 31
Electronic ISSN: 1983-7348
DOI: Digital Object Identifier 10.5902/19837348
Periodicity – four-monthly
First four months, Jan./Apr. publication deadline April 30th
Second four months, May/Aug. publication deadline August 31st
Third four months, Sep./Dec. publication deadline December 31st