Foreign body airway obstruction: construction and validation of a telesimulated scenario
Nursing, Simulation Training, Airway Obstruction, Child, CaregiversAbstract
Objective: to present the process of building and validating a telesimulated scenario on the prevention and management of foreign body airway obstruction in children under one year of age. Method: a methodological study, developed in two stages: construction of the scenario based on scientific literature and the Nursing Education Simulation Framework guidelines, and submission to content and appearance validation by experts in the field. The Content Validation Index (CVI) was calculated, considering a value equal to or greater than 0.80 to be appropriate. Results: A hybrid scenario was constructed with two simulated participants and a low-fidelity mannequin representing the child, recorded in a simulated house by a team specialized in image and sound, lasting six minutes after editing. Nine experts took part and the items evaluated reached the proposed CVI. Conclusion: validated scenario in terms of content and appearance with potential applicability in health education actions.
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