Bibliometric study on pedagogical practice in nurse training in the context of MERCOSUR
Education, Universities, Mercosur, Bibliometrics, NursingAbstract
Objective: to analyze scientific production on pedagogical practice in Nurse training in the context of MERCOSUR indexed in the Web of Science. Method: descriptive study, quantitative approach, with bibliometric analysis of indicators: number of publications per year, language, journals, most productive authors, co-authorship and keywords. Data collection took place on June 29, 2022, analysis using Microsoft Excel® Software. Results: 389 documents were identified, distributed among: 354 articles (91%), 19 review articles (4.9%) and 16 conferences (4.1%), published in 126 different journals, in the languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish, between the years 1958 to 2021. The journal with the largest number of publications was the Latin American Nursing Journal. The 10 most productive authors are from Brazil. In the analysis of terms, the words “Nursing”, “Nursing Education” and “Education” stood out. Conclusion: significant Brazilian productivity and little production from other MERCOSUR countries indexed in the Web of Science.
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