Nursing interventions in the prevention of complications during the pronation maneuver in patients with COVID-19
Prone Position, COVID-19, Critical Care Nursing, Standardized Nursing Terminology, Intensive Care UnitsAbstract
Objective: To identify and describe the interventions implemented in Nursing care to prevent complications in pronated COVID-19 patients. Method: a cross-sectional study conducted in a large-sized hospital that is a reference for the care of SARS-CoV-2 infection during the pandemic. The sample consisted of 83 medical records (physical and electronic) of patients admitted to intensive care units who required the prone maneuver as a ventilatory strategy. The data were collected by means of the variables related to Nursing interventions. Results: predominance of the male gender was identified, as well as of older adults with hypertension and diabetes. The prevalent complication corresponded to pressure injury in the thorax and face. The interventions reported included the following: skin care, hemodynamic monitoring, care related to the medical devices, airways and hygiene measures. Conclusion: applying the Nursing care measures identified contributed to preventing complications related to the pronation procedure.
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