Aptitude, knowledge and attitude of early childhood education professionals about first aid
Health education, Emergencies, First aid, Child rearing, Health promotionAbstract
Objective: to analyze the aptitude, knowledge and attitude of early childhood education professionals who participated or not in first aid training. Method: cross-sectional study, developed with 132 professionals in early childhood education in the municipality of Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, using a questionnaire on Google Forms. The Chi-square or Fisher’s Exact tests were applied. Results: of the 132 professionals, 67 reported that they had not previously participated in first aid training. Most feel able to provide care in situations of fever, wounds and bleeding. Those who had participated in training had more answers regarding knowledge of the concepts of fever, seizure, fainting, trauma, cardiorespiratory arrest and accidents caused by poisonous animals; and regarding attitudes towards seizure, fainting, choking, fall/trauma and cardiorespiratory arrest. Conclusion: having participated in training provided professionals with greater knowledge and assertiveness regarding the attitude to be taken in emergency situations.
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