Intimate partner violence against women in the climacteric period related to alcohol abuse
Violence against women, Climacteric period, Intimate partner violence, Alcohol AbuseAbstract
Aim: to identify, in the archives of a Police Service Specialized in Attending Women (Delegacia Especializada no Atendimento à Mulher, DEAM), occurrences of violence perpetrated by an intimate partner suffering from alcohol abuse against women in the climacteric. Method: descriptive qualitative research, carried out in the DEAM of a municipality in the countryside of Bahia. For the data collection, the DEAM occurrence notification system was used and content analysis was used for the data analysis. Results: intimate partner violence becomes frequent with abusive use of alcohol, in the form of physical, psychological and sexual violence; and during the climacteric phase the aggressions are constant. Final considerations: we highlight the importance of the discussion on violence against women, among professionals working in primary health care, to identify violence, provide integral care and implement strategies of violence prevention and reduction, in order to articulate with the services of the network of attention.Downloads
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