Qualidade de vida de bombeiros militares atuantes nos serviços operacional e administrativo





Occupational health, Quality of life, Burnout, professional, Firefighter


Aim: to analyze the quality of life of military firefighters active in operational and administrative services. Method: a cross - sectional study with a quantitative approach, carried out in a municipality in the west of Santa Catarina from March to April 2016.The World Health Organization quality of life assessment questionnaire (WHOQOL-Bref) was used to collect data. Results: the results show that the 51 participants had regular levels of quality of life, firefighters operating at the operational level had the worst results on the perception of quality of life compared to the administrative workers (p = <0.05). Overtime workload interfered negatively in quality of life (p = <0.05). In the Environment domain the worst values were found. Conclusion: the participants assessed their quality of life as regular, which may affect health and well-being, as well as interfering in their daily work. The use of this indicator is, hence, suggested, in the health management of workers.


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Author Biographies

Lauane Nogueira dos Santos, Santa Catarina State University, Chapecó, SC

Nurse. Graduated from Santa Catarina State University, Chapecó, SC.

Tania Maria Ascari, Santa Catarina State University - Udesc

Nurse. Master in Nursing. Professor of the Nursing Department at Santa Catarina State University.

Clodoaldo Antônio de Sá, Community University of Chapecó Region (UNOCHAPECÓ).

Physical educator. Doctor of Science in Human Movement. Professor at the Community University of Chapecó Region (UNOCHAPECÓ). Coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Health Sciences at Unochapecó. Chapecó (SC), Brazil.

Rosana Amora Ascari, Santa Catarina State University, Chapecó, SC

Nurse. PhD student in Nursing. Master in Public Health. Professor of the Nursing Department at Santa Catarina State University. Member of the Study Group on Health and Work - GESTRA / UDESC.



How to Cite

Santos, L. N. dos, Ascari, T. M., Sá, C. A. de, & Ascari, R. A. (2018). Qualidade de vida de bombeiros militares atuantes nos serviços operacional e administrativo. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 8(4), 674–687. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179769230564



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