Agroeocology, sustainable farming and mesmis methodology in Central Region of RS
DOI: clave:
Sustainability, Agroeocology, Participatory methodologies, MESMISResumen
This work investigates the contribution of family farmers in Agroecological transition, in the Region of the Central Territory of Rio Grande do Sul, for Agroecology and sustainability. It was elaborated from the methodology Marco para la Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad, or MESMIS, using documents, interviews, photographs and audiovisual materials collected between April 2015 and June 2016, in eight (08) Agroecosystems in agroecological transition. From this group, we question how concepts regarding Agroecology contribute to the maintenance of sustainability. Finally, we present the importance of participatory methodologies and the role of family farmers in the production of sustainable development projects, research and relevant scientific works that value these experiences in the construction and exchange of these knowledge and learning.
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