Evaluation of the use of biocompound of sewage sludge as substrate for seedlings production, 2010
Sewage sludge, Composting, Bio-fertilizerAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the use of biocompound based on sewage sludge in the production of seedlings, which was selected in the tomato Solanum lycopersicum (cv. Santa Adélia) for execution of the experiments. Initially, it was performed a chemical analysis of biocompound and mixtures, as well as the substratum and soil combined with commonly used organic substrate (manure tanned). The design was a completely random; with five treatments and four replications. There were used as treatments: 1 - Mixture of soil + cattle manure (3:1), 2 - soil + compost mixture (3:1), 3 - mixture soil + compost (ratio 2:2); 4 - pure compound, 5 - Plantimax ® pure commercial substrate. Morphological evaluations were made: plant height, stem diameter, leaf number, and shoot dry mass at 15, 30 and 45 days after planting. With the used doses was not possible to estimate the proper amount of biocompound for maximum development of seedlings, but the use of biocompound favored the growth of plants. Treatment 5 gave the lowest development among the treatments. Treatment with 100% biocompound provided the best average of the morphological attributes evaluated, and larger doses of the compound: treatments 2 - Soil + compost (3:1), 3 - Soil + compost (ratio 2:2) to treatment 4 - compound (ratio 0: 4), provided an increase in quality of plant development. The results were statistically significant and different from each other regarding the number of leaves, diameter, height and dry weight.Downloads
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