Educação ambiental e a química licenciatura: as concepções de professores


  • Paola Alves da Silveira de Vasconcellos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Environmental Education, Undergraduate Studies, Chemistry Teaching Course


This study presents data obtained in a study that monograph was presented and developed in the Post-graduate Program of Environmental Education, an Specialization Program of the Rural Sciences Centre in Federal University of Santa Maria, of the research line Education, Society and Culture. Such study was developed in order to understand the scope and meanings of Environmental Education for professors of the Chemistry Teaching Course in UFSM. The justification to develop such study was the need to analyse the insertion of Environmental Education in the conception of professors, therefore stimulating new perceptions and reflections on such theme in the Course. The method employed followed a qualitative approach, that is, it privileged the conscious and subjective aspects of the professors who participated on the research. One of the instruments used to perform the data collection was the questionnaire, aiming to register the representations and perceptions of the professors concerning Environmental Education. Analysis of data revealed that these professionals, when asked about their role in society as educators of conscientiousness and new ways of thinking, worry about the social and cultural aspects that constitute the undegraduate student/citizen who is enrolled on Chemistry Course.


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How to Cite

Vasconcellos, P. A. da S. de. (2013). Educação ambiental e a química licenciatura: as concepções de professores. Monografias Ambientais, 11(11), 2455–2464.