Percepção ambiental de docentes em escola rural no estado de Sergipe
Mind maps, Landmarks, Water resourceAbstract
The environmental issue becomes even more present every day in the face of human pressure on environmental resources. Thus, it becomes necessary to study the environmental perception, as a tool for environmental education, encouraging a discussion about environmental issues in an interdisciplinary manner. For this, we delivered 2 sheets of white paper, and requested the design of the current status of the dam and the dam would be like 10 years from now. Then, in the back of the sheet, give us feedback about the designs. Were observed, as the current situation, mind maps with landmarks associated with irrigation, domestic, tourist activities developed in the dam in bars and transport facilities, with the presence of animals without riparian vegetation, water and dark colored without infrastructure structure to meet the demand for visitation. Regarding the situation of the dam in ten years, we observed landmarks typically an environment in harmony with humans. There is a fresh water, fish, riparian vegetation and human figure united in favor of the environment. Moreover, note landmarks with profiles pessimistic, due to overuse of natural resources, the neglect and lack of awareness of the people, as possible causes of the unbalanced environment. So clearly the concern with the dam under study, both with their current situation as well as future situation, highlighting the need to adopt strategies for recovery and preservation of water resources.
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