Characterization of gaps in medium-size towns’ sanitation services: case study in the municipality of Inhambupe (BA)
Sanitation, PMSB, Medium-sized citiesAbstract
Brazil's sanitation began in the mid-18th century, but the reach of services was irrelevant if compared to its demographic density. However, even in an incipient way, it was an important factor for the country's development. The trajectories the supply of sanitation services at the state and national levels were learned in this research, to understand the current situation and the challenges that are presented to solve the deficiencies found, especially in medium and small cities. The available and applicable legal instruments to improve the scenarios are also investigated. The study area used was the municipality of Inhambupe, which is located in Bahia, the northeast region of Brazil. The methodology used included: characterization of the study area, review of applied legislation, direct observations, and photographic situation records of sanitation services provided in the municipality. The results showed that the sanitation services in the municipality of Inhambupe are insufficient, distributed unequally, so it is necessary to elaborate the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan (PMSB) and applies the pertinent legislation, at the federal, state and municipal levels, for the services' adequacy provided to citizens.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rosa Alencar Santana de Almeida, Valdiene Pinto dos Santos
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