Blog como ferramenta pedagógica na produção colaborativa em educação ambiental
Collaborative production, Media, Environmental education, Bullying, BlogAbstract
The history of this research is due to concerns about the little employment of pedagogicalpractices and media reported an experience that provides students and teachers another look tothe production of knowledge. In this research aimed to build an environment for collaborativelearning supported by computer as a strategy for teaching and learning in environmentaleducation. The bullying was the trimming done on the environmental issue as a way to discussissues such as violence as the constitution of the subject device. We sought to develop themethodological principles of action research, which has features like the action, research andchange of behavior of those involved, who collectively are involved in the action in all its phases,whose common purpose is to transform reality. The results showed that the participants usestrategies that work together for collective action and participatory, demonstrating that the blog isa pedagogical tool that discusses the process of interaction and computer-mediated collaborativetext production, thus contributing to the education that is transformative, critical and participatory.
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