Educação ambiental em uma escola de ensino médio como ferramenta para conhecimento do passivo ambiental


  • Wolney Roza Gonçalves Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Djalma Dias da Silveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Environmental liabilities, Research project, Mathematic, Environment education


This article is referring to a monograph titled ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN A HIGHSCHOOL AS A TOOL FOR KNOWLEDGE OF ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES, environmental educationcourse at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, presented on December 16, 2011. ThisEnvironmental Education monograph worked at two distinct times: at first it was tried thetechnical knowledge about environmental liabilities, and by searching unstructured situation ofthe Municipality on this issue. In the second phase sought to show how to implement anenvironmental education into the teaching of mathematics. To this, we dealt with a proposal of the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN's) and the National Policy on Environmental Education(Law No. 9795 of April 27, 1999, Brazil) to use environmental issues across the board withMathematics, by a research project conducted by students from high school in a state school,addressing the subject of production, or not, of an environmental liability in industry, health andgovernance of the municipality. We intend to establish a link between the functions and algebra ofElementary Mathematics in an attempt to show the way for environmental education. With surveydata on the environmental liabilities, were constructed graphs; tables and percentagerelationships for a quantitative analysis and visualization of the behavior of the rate of productionof waste and resources to solve this problem. Mathematics contextualizing with the environmentis not only a way of stimulating classes, making them more interconnected and related to the localand global environmental context, but also as a way to study the environmental and ecologicalproblems raising awareness for students use natural resources, this way building a model ofeducation focus on social and environmental citizenship.


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Author Biography

Wolney Roza Gonçalves, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Aluno do curso de Especialização em Educação Ambiental.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, W. R., & Silveira, D. D. da. (2012). Educação ambiental em uma escola de ensino médio como ferramenta para conhecimento do passivo ambiental. Monografias Ambientais, 6(6), 1433–1444.

