Percepções de alunos surdos em trilha ecológica com o uso dos diferentes sentidos: uma abordagem da educação ambiental


  • Paula Boos Höher Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Paulo Edelvar Corrêa Peres Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Perception, Path, Deaf, Environment, Environmental Education


The perception we have to the environment can facilitate the understanding of the world in its various forms. This perception is through our five senses, which help to arouse interest in the environment around us and admiration for the natural world. Whatever the reason, when we are deprived of any sense, we naturally increase the capacity of perception in the other four. Currently means deafness as a difference, featuring deaf subjects as belonging to minority language groups, consisting of social, political and culturally different. With this, this work is justified by the extreme importance of providing deaf subjects practical activities that lead them to use their different senses, in order to better understand the natural environment. For the development of this activity was used the “Path the Lake”, located on the Campus of the University UNISINOS, divided into stations. A group of deaf students went through this path. At the end of the activity the students recorded their perceptions of the path in drawings and answering a questionnaire. It can be observed that the deaf subject using all their senses to perceive the environment holistically. For lack of hearing, are more sensitive to the visual, it established relations with the perfect environment. From the results obtained, we can see that the designs of students present significant elements, as well as their concerns, showing a full understanding of the environment.


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How to Cite

Höher, P. B., & Peres, P. E. C. (2012). Percepções de alunos surdos em trilha ecológica com o uso dos diferentes sentidos: uma abordagem da educação ambiental. Monografias Ambientais, 6(6), 1341–1353.

