The negro as character in literature children on the work of Maria Rita Py


  • Jucineide Vaz dos Santos



African, Self-esteem, Cultural heritage, Multiculturalism, Cultural Identity, Citizenship


Tried to when analyzing the works of Coleção História da Vó Preta, of the Santa Mariense author Maria Rita Py, the representation of black people, showing how the issues surrounding it in society, his yearnings, sorrows, lived since last century , are present in contemporary children's literature. The literature has shown an increasing concern in presenting a cultural identity that expresses the relationship of social inclusion. The Brazilian reality shows that the black, after the liberations of slaves, and most recently with the growth of the black movement, assumed a new vision, creating a new discourse in this literature, when passing to be personage of the transformation of black spirit (sense). It is in this context that the black literature of Maria Rita Py inserts, dedicated to child audience, search for solutions to solve the problems of this personage such as frustration, rejection, desire to be white, doubts and anxieties of children black in society, affect self-esteem and identity


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How to Cite

Santos, J. V. dos. (2011). The negro as character in literature children on the work of Maria Rita Py. Monografias Ambientais, 4(4), 915–921.

