"Environment" on projects pedagogical two schools state elementary school of metropolitan region of São Luís, MA
Environmental Education, Parameters National Curriculum, TeachersAbstract
The Pedagogical Project (PP) of a school is a set of guidelines that aim to guide the pedagogical practice in its various instances. The approach of National Curricular Parameters (PCNs) in the text of the PP is necessary insofar as they provide guidelines for the construction of a pedagogical proposal based on the need for cultural, social and economic discussions in the classroom. The Transversal Environment Theme provides guidance to educators on how to develop sustainable attitudes in learners through actions that focus on the environmental issue within the school. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze the proposals of Environmental Education contained in the Pedagogical Projects of two elementary schools of the state network of São Luís, MA. For this, we used semi-structured interviews and documentary research to identify references to the theme of Environment in the projects. It was observed that in the PP of both schools there is no reference to the environmental theme. It is necessary to raise awareness in schools about the need to build a project that is in line with NCPs in order to contribute to the debate on the promotion of Environmental Education in school pedagogical practice.
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