Environmental education for children: awareness to the importance of forest species


  • Juliana Bortoncello Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Jumaida Rosito Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS




Environmental education, Teaching models, Forest species


Environmental education is a comprehensive education through a continuing participatoryeducational process that seeks to disseminate knowledge about environmental problems,awakening the human consciousness that he is part of this environment and therefore need toenjoy it in a conscious way. This project aimed to educate primary school students at a school inBento Gonçalves (RS, Brazil), about the importance of forest tree species for our life, in order tomake them citizens aware of their role as guardians and multipliers knowledge and respect for alllife forms. Proposals were practical activities performed from the choice of seven species of trees,symbols of different Brazilian regions. Among the proposed activities were the development of models representing the species and the observation of the phenomenon of plant transpiration.The practical classes led to greater involvement and understanding of content by students and inthis case, in particular, that involvement led to an awareness about the importance of trees andtheir preservation, providing a new perspective on the role played by forests.


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How to Cite

Bortoncello, J., & Rosito, J. (2011). Environmental education for children: awareness to the importance of forest species. Monografias Ambientais, 2(2), 297–302. https://doi.org/10.5902/223613082770

