A saudade ecologicamente correta: a educação ambiental e os problemas ambientais em cemitérios
Environmental Education, Cemetery, NecroleachateAbstract
Rarely people think or imagine that cemeteries can cause great environmental impacts andharm to public health. The decomposition of organic matter creates a viscous liquid of agrayish/brownish color and an acrid and fetid odor called necroleachate. Therefore, cemeteriesare a depository for corpses which needs a right place to stay since their degradation can becomea source of contamination. In this monograph, we aimed to survey data on the environmentalproblems caused by building cemeteries as well evaluate the interrelationship of this subject withthe risks for public health in light of environmental education. By analyzing specialized literature,we verified that the process of body decomposition can be potentially responsible for affecting thequality of the soil and subterranean waters causing physical, chemical and biological alterationsbesides making the environment conducive to the spread of infectious diseases. Could not we dealwith death in an ecologically correct manner?Downloads
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