Challenges in practice the national pact literacy at the right age
PNAIC, Interdisciplinarity, Playfulness, No retention, School, FamilyAbstract
The National Literacy Pact at the Certain Age approved in 2012 in Brazil, seeks to contribute to the literacy of all children up to the age of eight at the end of the 3rd year of elementary school. The Brazilian Department of Education since 2013 started including actions that contribute to literacy in language and mathematics, as well as presenting a major goal, the training of teachers for this new time. This article aimed to characterize the challenges faced by teachers from 1st to 3rd Years of the State Preparatory High School João Pedro Nunes in São Gabriel / RS. To develop this study, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews were conducted and applied addressing specifically the non-withholding, playfulness and interdisciplinary. Based on the results believed that some teachers need to review their practices and concepts regarding these issues, it is suggested steps to tackle with emphasis on continued training of literacy teachers. It is suggested that the school develop strategies that encourage family participation, to enable it to effectively fulfill its role as the basic training of any child.
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