Evaluation of the process of students awareness on rain water harvesting and storage
Environmental education, Students perception, Rational use of water, RainwaterAbstract
Water is a very recurrent thematic, especially during the water crisis that a number of Municipalities in Brazil have been facing recently. Therefore, it is necessary to seek alternatives for changes in practices of water use as well as to create structural and non-structural measures to support the management of multiple uses of water. The main objective of this research was to evaluate at CAp-UERJ the level of students’ perception and their sensibility about the uses of water and its rational application. The methodology involved a survey among students of the 2nd and 3rd years of primary school, using a rainfall harvesting system built in the School, as socio environmental motivator, providing a practical learning tool. Results indicated that 66% of total students demonstrated to know about this thematic and showed evidences of previous knowledge about rational use of water.Downloads
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