Environmental education included in license
Environmental Licensing, Environmental Education in the License, Environmental preservationAbstract
Due to the progressive increase in population there was a demand for natural resources and rapid technological development, so that adaptation and natural environmental balance were destroyed and the very human cultural adaptation to the environment was broken causing terrible consequences. Realizing that natural resources are finite humanity had to establish rules for their use, consumption, extraction etc. Environmental Licensing is the administrative procedure carried out in stages that aims to grant an environmental license for performing any activity or implementation of any project. One of the most advanced legislation on environmental protection is the Brazilian. Search Environmental Education inserted in Environmental Licensing can provide a greater understanding on that subject, since it is important to disseminate knowledge on the subject so there is a greater positive participation of the population when it comes to environmental preservation. The aim of this study was to review literature on environmental education inserted into the licensing for informational purposes on that subject.Downloads
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