Green roof's prototype: combining knowledge for environmental education


  • Josiane Pillar Hinning Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS
  • Daniela Oriques Instituo Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS
  • Ismael Jones Hollas Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS



Green roof, Bioconstruction, Permaculture


The present work shows the search carried out in the Buildings Technical Course in PROEJA modality, from Farroupilha Federal Institute, Campus Panambi. The activity was developed through the subject of Natural Sciences and theirs technologies. In this opportunity it was searched the green roof method of construction, which is an alternative that gives environmental comfort, connecting improvements for the environment. The live roof favors the thermic related with the build place, the landscaping provides a permeable place, attribute benefits and life quality. Sustainable actions are pointed out increasingly by spread ideas that contribute to the society well-being. As example there are the live roofs, structures that are characterized by vegetal covering application in buildings, using the adequate waterproofing and drainage. Through this work, it was possible to investigate the different forms of green roof construction, as well as the environmental benefits by its use. Apart from being attended with the permaculture aspects, the live roof was developed in an ecological house that can be used for pets.


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Author Biographies

Josiane Pillar Hinning, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS

Arquiteta e Urbanista, Especialista em Educação Ambiental, Mestra em Patrimônio Cultural, Docente do Curso Técnico em Edificações PROEJA, Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Panambi.

Daniela Oriques, Instituo Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS

Química, Mestra em Química, Docente do Curso Técnico em Edificações PROEJA, Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Panambi.

Ismael Jones Hollas, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS

Aluno do Curso Técnico em Edificações PROEJA, Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Panambi.


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How to Cite

Hinning, J. P., Oriques, D., & Hollas, I. J. (2015). Green roof’s prototype: combining knowledge for environmental education. Monografias Ambientais, 14, 79–83.