Bioconstruction: superadobe as sustainability vector


  • Josiane Pillar Hinning Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS
  • Denise Saad Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa maria, RS



Bioconstruction, Superadobe, Permaculture


This paper presents the research on the construction technique of Superadobe held in the Technical Course in Building, at the Federal Institute Farroupilha, Campus Panambi. The activity was developed during Discipline Comfort in Buildings. The bioconstruction method studied was the Superadobe. The construction technique was designed by the Iranian architect Nader Khalili, and consists of building with the soil from the spot, and with the help of other materials such as sand, plastic packaging among others. The research aims to support the development of a project of a residential typology, where the representation of the construction technique will be incorporated. It was also carried out a study on the concepts of permaculture, which combine different knowledge related to best practices that enable the creation of sustainable environments. Aspects of environmental comfort in buildings with superadobe were also searched. Through this activity, it was possible to enlarge the perceptions about the possibilities of materials and techniques with lower environmental impact, coming to meet the concepts of sustainability and environmental education.


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Author Biographies

Josiane Pillar Hinning, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Panambi, RS

Arquiteta e Urbanista, Especialista em Ed. Ambiental, Mestra em Patrimônio Cultural. Docente Técnico em Edificações do Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Campus Panambi.

Denise Saad, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa maria, RS

Engenheira Civil, Doutora em Engenharia Civil, Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação Profissionalizante em Patrimônio Cultural, UFSM.


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How to Cite

Hinning, J. P., & Saad, D. (2015). Bioconstruction: superadobe as sustainability vector. Monografias Ambientais, 14, 66–70.