The interculturality of information and diplomacy: considerations on water resources
Information, Diplomacy, Politics, Water ResourcesAbstract
The dialog between nations is a delicate subject, so is the treatment of diplomatic information. The international cooperation between public politics becomes complex and essential, whose benefits embody a long-term period. The goal of this paper is to understand the handling of information in the diplomatic context and its influences on intercultural communication, delimitating the research universe to water policies. This investigation also talks about ethical questions in transnational basins management, and points out to the discussions on freshwater use and the administration of the planet's water resources. It also outlines the possibilities of transboundary conflicts because of water goods shared by two or more nations. It discourses about external policies and the exercise of diplomatic activities as national strategies to preventing intercultural predicaments and the promotion of a global well-being. The bibliographies considered not only such themes, but as well as the international forums between countries discussing the subject, too. The results build an interdisciplinary mixture between Information, Diplomacy and Politics. It is a matter of expectation, therefore, to contribute to an academic vision on the prioritizing of this subject both in governmental and scientific agenda.Downloads
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