The river basin transboundary River Quaraí / Cuareím: a vision for the integrated management
River basin, Border, Water resources, TerritoryAbstract
Currently, the National Plan for Water Resources (PNRH) states that water has multiple uses for: human supply, hydropower, navigation, industrial supply, irrigation, fisheries, recreation and tourism among others. Therefore it is essential to know how to handle it and know the reality of their uses in each region on Earth. The main objective of this study was to demonstrate, in an introductory way, the issue of sharing Integrated River Basin Transboundary River Quaraí/ Cuareim. For the development of this literature review official documents, articles, theses were used, as well as books about the topic covered in this article. Integrated Management of Transboundary River Basin Quaraí/Cuareim is still fragile, especially in the issue of environmental preservation and effective dialogue between the countries involved, namely, Brazil and Uruguay.Downloads
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