Environmental perceptions of “Rooms Inclusion” students at the Liceu Paraibano School, João Pessoa - PB, in the context of the inclusive education paradigm
Education, Environmental awareness, Teaching and learningAbstract
This article intends to provoke a reflection about the paradigm of the inclusive education, by studying the conception of environment debated in the school Liceu Paraibano in João Pessoa – PB. This research was developed only to try to produce a short characterization of the environmental perception of the public school students, although it became a controversial debate about the problematic of the educational inclusion of the individuals with special needs in regular teaching. The inclusion process must have understood as a political and social posture on behalf of special education, and it has been increasing in school atmosphere, and it is aimed at attain egalitarian relationships for everybody. However this research came across the real context of these “inclusion classrooms”. Realize one that to avoid that someone is in risk of being excluded of a classroom context, another individual is excluded from the teaching and learning process, passing by disadvantage, selectivity and prejudice situations.
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