Seed paper: an alternative for sustainable consumption of paper after school
Environmental Education, Recycling, Collective Subject Speech, School workshopAbstract
Environmental education is direct heir ecological debate and is among the alternatives that aim to build new ways of social groups relate to the environment. This study aimed to demonstrate the importance of recycling paper as an activity linked to the teaching and learning of Environmental Education, providing the transversal and seeking to develop citizens aware of their actions on the natural environment. The activity consisted of a paper recycling workshop held with students from eighth grade on, and seed production of paper through the reuse of discarded material in a public school in Santa Maria, RS. For data collection a questionnaire was used and the analysis was the application of the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse. The main ideas presented by the students revealed their views on environmental education and recycling, and the relevance of the project application as a mechanism to encourage environmental awareness. Thus, the construction of innovative practices is not given by reproduction but by creation, by upgrading and especially in the case of seed paper for new relationships in the organization of educational work.
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