Environmental perception of students in form of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in rural settlement
Environmental perception, Environmental education, Rural settlement, StudentsAbstract
This study aimed to know the environmental perception of students in form of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in Rural Settlement Marimbondo, municipality of Tobias Barreto - SE, to promote the sensitivity of individuals, stimulating change of habits, customs and values, encouraging the harmonious relationship between man and the environment and quality of life. For this, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied to students, including questions about the profile for students and environmental awareness. It was noticed that most students never participated in an environmental education project, but are interested in participating and that the school does not make environmental education activities. Therefore, the school should adopt environmental education projects as a way to involve the participation of students in the discussion of the problems identified by them during the study, to look for alternatives to minimize such environmental problems arising from human activities.Downloads
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