Burnout, UTI Neonatal, Estresse Ocupacional, Saúde Mental.Abstract
The present study aims to identify behavioral characteristics of burnout syndrome in the neonatal ICUmultidisciplinary team of the Hospital Santa Rita in the city of Teixeira de Freitas, Bahia. From thisperspective aimed to describe the influence of work environment in intensive care units, and identify thefactors that affect the psychophysical labor and worker productivity in these units. Because it is a diseasecharacteristic of the workplace, which has been in response to the chronicity of occupational stress bringinga negative impact on an individual level, professional, family and social theme was chosen to raiseawareness of the importance of finding ways to preserve mental health professionals who have health careat its core. The method used was descriptive, quantitative and references developed through theoreticaland field research with 16 professionals who intended to participate in this study. The instruments used inthis study were an investigative questionnaire with personal risk factors predisposing to burnout syndrome,along with the MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) Maslach Burnout Inventory in this questionnaire is used toestimate the Burnout syndrome encompassing the three aspects : emotional exhaustion, depersonalizationand personal involvement in the work. The survey was conducted with the participation of 16 professionalswithin the multidisciplinary team from the neonatal ICU. As a result it is observed that 63% of respondents are in early stages of the disease, with moderate levels of stress, an important finding that deservesattention.
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