Enzymatic Biocatalyst using enzymes from Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Peel Immobilized in Hydrogel Beads





Enzymatic extract, Bromelain, Pineapple, Fatty acids, Transesterification


The enzymatic extract from pineapple peels, considering the time factor, low cost and ease of preparation of the reaction system, makes the use of this plant material scrap an economical alternative for some reactions of synthetic interest. Therefore, this work aimed to prepare pineapple peel enzymatic extract containing bromelain, with and without mechanical grinding for a period of up to 9-days of extraction, and then immobilizing those extracts on hydrogel beads for their application as a biocatalyst to produce energy interest esters. The best protein content obtained was 1.95 mg mL-1 for 6-days with mechanical grinding, as for the hydrolysis of p-NPP (p-nitrophenyl palmitate), 0.0125 U.mL-1 for 1-day extraction with trituration. The best index esterification activity achieved for the lauric acid as a substrate was 1.8 U mL-1 at 1-day extraction without grinding. For the hydrogel beads immobilization, a maximum protein yield of 28.8% was obtained with the 1-day extract and mechanical grinding, and in terms of p-NPP activity, a yield of 40.6% for the immobilized with 9-day extract without mechanical grinding. The immobilized and dehydrated beads with 1-day extract without grinding took the best esterification activity, 7.2 U g-1 of biocatalyst. The best conversion performance in the biocatalysis of fatty esters was by esterification of the dodecanoate n-propyl, with 95.1% for a period of 48 hours of reaction. For the transesterification reaction, the methyl oleate yield reached 47.3% after 120 hours of reaction.


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Aluísio Marques da Fonseca, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, CE

Associate professor of Sociobiodiversity and Sustainable Techologies at UNILAB

Regilany Paulo Colares, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, CE

Professor of Chemistry at UNILAB

Mauro Macedo de Oliveira, Faculdade Paraíso do Ceará (FAPCE), Juazeiro do Norte, CE

Professor at FAPCE and PhD student in Biological Chemistry at Regional University of Cariri

Maria Cristiane Martins de Souza, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, CE

Professor at UNILAB

Rodolpho Ramiton de Castro Monteiro, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE

Masters student in Chemical Engineering at Federal University of Ceará

Rinaldo dos Santos Araújo, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE), Fortaleza, CE

Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Environment of IFCE

Aiala Vieira Amorim, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, CE

Professor of the Institute of Rural Development of UNILAB

José Cleiton Sousa dos Santos, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, CE

Adjunct professor at UNILAB

Juan Carlos Alvarado Alcócer, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, CE

Professor of Energy Engineering at UNILAB

Olienaide Ribeiro de Oliveira Pinto, University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, CE

Post-doc student at UNILAB



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