Performance evaluation in water supply systems: a literature portfolio selection and bibliometric analysis
Performance evaluation. water supply systems. Bibliometric Analysis. Proknow-CAbstract
Population growth, water scarcity, deteriorating pipes and structures are some challenges faced by water supply companies. Performance evaluation becomes essential to prioritize improvement actions and, as a consequence, enhance outcomes in such companies. This research, exploratory and descriptive, aimed to select and identify articles in a structured way about "Performance Evaluation in Water Supply System", through Proknow-C. After filtering process provided in Proknow-C, 19 articles were included in the Bibliographic Portfolio and 68 references of PB. In bibliometric analysis it was observed that the most prominent journal in the subject's Water Policy, and most of periodic were IWA - International Water Association publications. The most prominent authors currently are H. Ramos, R. C. Marques, S. Sharma, K. Vairavamoorthy and H. E. Mutikanga. The most cited article was “Efficiency measurement in Australian Local government: The case of New South Wales municipal water services”, by K. Woodbury and B. Dollery, with 42 citations. The keywords most relevant to the subject were: Performance indicators, water supply systems, asset management, performance evaluation and Water Utilities, considered in the initial search. The research topic is recent, with few articles and authors with scientific recognition.
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