Characterization and quantification of the solid waste from a public school of Matinhos, PR, for proposition of actions in management of solid waste.
Waste Management, Gravimetric composition, Environmental Education.Abstract
Brazil was inserted into the complexity that showed the management of solid waste (SW), demonstrates an alarming situation especially regarding the proper disposal of garbage. In this study the possibility to minimize this situation through joint actions in an educational institution. Therefore, this research, part of the Scientific Initiation, sought to quantify and qualify of SW produced in the school of Matinhos, Pr, Brazil. The methodology applied was the initial diagnosis, followed by interviews and gravimetric composition method for characterization and quantification of the SW. It was observed that the solid waste of the organic generation is high, 57%, followed by “fill fraction” 17%, plastic, paper and 15%, 11%. It was concluded the there is a need to strengthen environmental education and, paying attention to the spread of knowledge in the pursuit of changing perceptions and attitudes towards environmental issues.Downloads
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