Cleaner Production, BOPP Film, Sustainable Development.Abstract
The current technological advance guides the actions that have contributed to the study and implementation of a structured environmental management within companies. Thereby, this article discusses the application of Cleaner Production Methodology in a company engaged in the business of flexible films in the region of Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The study aims to identify opportunities of improvements that might reduce the environmental impact. There were visits in the enterprise during the execution of the project in order to get quantitative and qualitative data, which supported the mapping and understanding of the productive process. The application of Cleaner Production has allowed the identification of improvements in the process, better use of raw material, reduction of water use and minimization of waste generation. In this case, it has been used an adapted transformation model to map the system. Opportunities for future improvements have been identified and classified into the strategic levels of the Cleaner Production; some of them are related to the progress in the use of raw materials, reduction of water leaks through the process in the pipes, change of raw material from nonrenewable to renewable source, performance of preventive maintenance, minimization of waste generation, use of regranulated material generated in the process, etc. Therefore, for futures studies, it may be accomplished the analysis of economic and technical feasibility of each proposal identified in this report
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