Academic management, social isolation and procrastination: a study with management graduate students during the Covid-19 pandemic
Isolamento SocialAbstract
The present article proposes to analyse the effects caused by the lack of coexistence amongst Management Graduate students on their academic procrastination behaviour. A thematic analysis was carried out through the lens of hermeneutical phenomenology on the transcription of 24 structured interviews, carried out with master's and doctoral students in Management. The results show that procrastination is more linked to the dimension of individual factors of each interviewee (organization, stress and health) than to external factors (such as access to university facilities and methodological changes); furthermore, the pandemic itself is not directly responsible for nurturing procrastinating behaviour amongst students, but it tends to increase already existing procrastinating tendencies. Those who can establish routines and follow them with discipline started to procrastinate less; on the other hand, those who are unable to maintain an organized schedule and structured habits had these trends intensified with the pandemic and intensified their procrastination habits.
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