Supervised internship in school management at the UFSM Pedagogical Center: challenges and perspectives for laboratory schools




Gestão escolar , Col´égio de aplicação, Estágio curricular supervisionado


The Pedagogical Center of the Federal University of Minas Gerais - CP/UFMG -, in the context of Laboratory School, stands as a field of observation, systematization, analysis, elaboration and implementation of training itineraries of several education professionals. Among them, we highlight the school managers who work in the pedagogical-administrative scope, a very necessary axis for contemporary teaching practices. The central objective of this work is to present the supervised internship in School Management at the CP/UFMG as a way to encourage both in supervisor-managers and interns-graduates a critical-reflexive analysis of the school's organizational structure. In this sense, we list, describe and analyze the theoretical-practical activities experienced by the interns at the CP/UFMG focused on the administrative-pedagogical management of the school space, taking into account the differentiated context of the institution's directive autonomy as CAP. Based on this premise, we introduce the interns to reflections and experiences that demonstrate the democratic exercise of collaborative management and the responsibilities arising from the democratization of collegiate bodies; the challenges and possibilities of the joint reconstruction of the Political-Pedagogical Project and the Internal Regulation with the school community; the importance of the partnership between principal and deputy principal as interlocutors and agents of transformation in the dialogue with collegiate bodies and the school community in general. As conclusions of the journey experienced as advisors-supervisors of interns in School Management, we highlight the possibilities of analyzing under new lenses and perspectives the reality of the work that the Board of an application school faces in the performance of its professional function.


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Author Biography

Luiza Santana Chaves, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


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How to Cite

Chaves, L. S., & Sala, M. E. (2023). Supervised internship in school management at the UFSM Pedagogical Center: challenges and perspectives for laboratory schools. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, e74398.