Learning and professional exercise at UFSM: an instrument in the symphony of life





Pedagogue learning, formation, ontopsychological pedagogy.


The path learned from being a person and a professional occurs through many challenges throughout the experiences in which relationships and structures are built that, in turn, impact others with the presence of the testimony of the successful action. The text, in a reflexive way, exposes, through an autobiographical narrative, a singular trajectory of learning marked by training and performance in teaching, research and extension. The motivation was the elaboration of a memorial for the ascension to the last level of the career titular professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria. Multiple learning emerges from experiences in multigrade classes to teaching in Postgraduate Studies in Latin America; the Professional Specialization in Psychology, with an Ontopsychology approach at the State University of St. Petersburg and the partnerships in research and training with the University of Geneva/Faculty of Educational Sciences (SU); participation in doctoral boards in the latter and in the University of Santiago de Compostela; participation in management in coordinating the Academic Masters in Education and in Pedagogy courses; in research guidelines, whether in IC, undergraduate TCC, specialization, dissertation or doctoral thesis; conducting research, writing books, articles and participating in many academic events; but above all, in the day-to-day challenges of teaching over three decades, now on the fourth. The entire learning trajectory was led by Maestro Antonio Meneghetti who, through Ontopsychological Pedagogy, helped me to coin the most difficult, delicate and important part of my teaching profession, my personality.


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Author Biography

Estela Maris Giordani, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Professora na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.


BRASIL. Resolução CNE/CP n. 2, de 20 de dezembro de 2019. Disponível em: http://portal.mec.gov.br/docman/dezembro-2019-pdf/135951-rcp002-19/file. Acesso em: 25 ago. 2021.

MENEGHETTI, Antonio. Dicionário de ontopsicologia. 1. ed. Recanto Maestro: Ontopsicológica, 2012.

MENEGHETTI, Antonio. Pedagogia ontopsicológica. 2. ed. Recanto Maestro: Ontopsicológica, 2014.

MENEGHETTI, Antonio. Psicologia da organização. São Paulo: Foil, 2003.

MENEGHETTI, Antonio. Filosofia ontopsicológica. Florianópolis: Ontopsicológica, 2003b.

MENEGHETTI, Antonio. Atos do XI Congresso Internacional de Ontopsicologia. Roma, 1985.

VIDOR, Alécio. Relação pais e filhos: origem dos problemas. Recanto Maestro: Ontopsicológica, 2014.



How to Cite

Giordani, E. M. (2021). Learning and professional exercise at UFSM: an instrument in the symphony of life. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, e67467, p. 1–60. https://doi.org/10.5902/2318133867467



Memorial de carreira docente