Memorial for formation, improvement and graduate studies




Philosophy of Education, competences, teacher education, theory, practice, recognition


The text that the reader has their hands on results from a synthesis of the memorial presented to the public examination board for Full Professor of the permanent faculty of the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM/RS/Brazil, held in April 2016. I tried present in it the basic lines of my training, improvement and inclusion in events, research projects, teaching and extension in undergraduate and graduate courses at UFSM. The objective of the reflection is to respond to the challenge of rethinking a symmetrical structure of recognition in the theory and practice of training and, likewise, between university and school, based on a process of reciprocal correspondence in the construction of new knowledge in the field of training, teaching knowledge and the improvement of undergraduate and graduate courses. The guideline consists of reversing, on the one hand, the dilemmas of the separate understanding of theory and practice in the training initiated by the Pedagogy of Competences which, by privileging the pole of practice over theory, built an asymmetric recognition structure, insofar as it emptied the practice of meaning and transformed it into an exclusively technical and practical procedure. At the same time, it is possible to say, on the other hand, that there is a claim to practice in the pedagogical field that has not yet been sufficiently problematized or explored, which cannot be evaded. The turn of practice, which occurred in the heart of modernity, finds its reflexes here, not in the best way, of course, in the adoption of the proposal of education and assessment by competences by the education systems. Thus, given some insufficiencies of these outputs, the proposal can help to understand how educational practice and teacher performance are represented in the discourse of the teaching itself acting in primary school. This would make it possible to take the world of everyday school life as an object of philosophical reflection, in the sense of pedagogical self-clarification.


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Author Biography

Amarildo Luiz Trevisan, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Amarildo Luiz Trevisan é professor titular de Filosofia da Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e pesquisador PQ-1C do CNPq. Tem pós-doutorado em Humanidades na Universidade Carlos III de Madrid/Espanha.



TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz. Filosofia da educação: mímesis e razão comunicativa. Ijuí: Unijuí, 2000.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz. Pedagogia das imagens culturais: da formação cultural à formação da opinião pública. Ijuí: Unijuí, 2002.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz. Reconhecimento do outro: teorias filosóficas e formação docente. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2014.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz. Terapia de atlas: pedagogia e formação docente na pós-modernidade. Santa Cruz do Sul: Unisc, 2004.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz. Teorias da educação: a violência entre meios e fins. In: TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz; TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira; ROSSATTO, Noeli Dutra. (orgs.). Filosofia e educação: ética, biopolítica e bárbarie. Curitiba: Appris, 2017, p. 63-81.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz. Terapia de atlas: filosofia da educação no contemporâneo. Caxias do Sul: Educs, 2020.

TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira. Filosofia da educação: um estudo sobre a história da disciplina no Brasil. Ijuí: Unijuí, 2003.

TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira; GALLINA, Simone de Freitas (orgs.). Territórios da prática filosófica. Santa Maria: UFSM, 2009.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz; ROSSATTO, Noeli Dutra (orgs.). Filosofia e educação: interatividade, singularidade e mundo comum. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2013.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz; TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira (orgs.). Cultura e alteridade: confluências. Ijuí: Unijuí, 2006.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz; TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira; ROSSATTO, Noeli Dutra (orgs.). Anais do VI Senafe e II Seinfe - Seminário Nacional e Internacional de Filosofia e Educação: confluências. Santa Maria: Facos/UFSM, 2020.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz; TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira; ROSSATTO, Noeli Dutra (orgs.). Diferença, cultura e educação. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2010.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz; TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira; ROSSATO, Noeli Dutra (orgs.). Filosofia e educação: ética, biopolítica e bárbarie. Curitiba: Appris, 2017.

TREVISAN, Amarildo Luiz; TOMAZETTI, Elisete Medianeira; ROSSATTO, Noeli Dutra (orgs.). Filosofia e educação: escola, violência e ética. Curitiba: Appris, 2020.



How to Cite

Trevisan, A. L. (2021). Memorial for formation, improvement and graduate studies. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, e66696, p. 1–21.



Memorial de carreira docente