Comparative evaluation of investment analysis methods: an application in renewable energy auctions between 2011 e 2015




Net present value, Real options theory, Confusion matrix.


Purpose - This work aims to analyze the assertiveness of net present value (NPV) and real options theory (ROT), at the moment of decision making for investments in renewable energy projects, considering the 244 winning projects in the auctions of reserve energy that occurred between 2011 and 2015.

Design/methodology/approach –This is a quantitative study that used real data from 150 wind power and 94 photovoltaic projects available on ANEEL´s website. For data analysis, the confusion matrix, the area under the ROC Curve and the Kappa Index were used.

Findings – It was concluded that NPV is more effective for recommendations to invest in projects with chances to be successful, while ROT is more accurate in suggesting against investing in projects with propensity for failure. It was also found that the degree of agreement between the two techniques is substantial and determined by the level of volatility of real options.

Research limitations/implications – The limitations of this study refer to the difficulties of identifying the reasons that motivated failures in the projects.

Originality/value – Theoretically, this work contributes to identify the characteristics that effectively differentiate ROT from NPV at the time of decision making. Empirically, this work contributes to doing an ex-post analysis of the projects.


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Author Biographies

Antônio Vinícius Silva Caldas, Federal University of Sergipe

PhD in Administration (Federal University of Bahia, 2019), Master in Economics (Federal University of Sergipe, 2011) and Graduation in Administration (Federal University of Sergipe, 2002). I am currently a professor at the Federal University of Sergipe in the Administration Course - Campus Professor Alberto Carvalho. You are interested in researching the following topics: Value Creation; Capital cost; Valuation; Working capital; Costs; Real Options Theory; Renewable energy. .

Antônio Francisco de Almeida da Silva Júnior, Federal University of Bahia

Post-doctorate as a Visiting Researcher at New York University 2015-2016 (Finance and Risk Engineering Department). Doctor in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, in 2006, by the Production Engineering department, of the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), with a thesis on exchange rate interventions in financial crises. Graduated in 1988 in Chemical Engineering, completed a master's degree in Engineering in 1998, with a dissertation in the area of Industrial Process Automation, and a master's degree in Administration, in 2000, with a dissertation in the area of market risk management, from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA. He works at the Central Bank of Brazil in the area of risk management, is an adjunct professor at the UFBA Business School, serves as a participating professor in the Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering, at UFBA, and is a permanent professor at the Post-Graduate Nucleus. in Administration NPGA-UFBA. His academic work is oriented towards risk management and investment decisions


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How to Cite

Caldas, A. V. S., & Silva Júnior, A. F. de A. da. (2021). Comparative evaluation of investment analysis methods: an application in renewable energy auctions between 2011 e 2015. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 14(3), 693–715.




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