The importance of the atmosphere of the environment in Brazilian physical retail in 2030
Environment atmosphere, value perception, consumer behavior, experiential marketing.Abstract
In the face of the technological developments, the change in consumer behavior and the intensification of the use of the internet in the purchase of products and services, it is identified the need to develop new competitive structure in the Brazilian physical retail. In this context, the atmosphere of the environment has been adopted as an important strategic tool in physical retail in order to provide competitive advantage and consolidate the consumer's shopping experience. This article seeks to identify trends related to the atmosphere of the Brazilian physical retail environment in 2030. The research developed in this article started from an exploratory approach with qualitative nature and it was divided into two stages: one, involving eight retail executive professionals (Vision 1), with data collection through the Survey Monkey platform electronic questionnaire; the second stage was conducted face-to-face and Skype semi-structured interviews with four retail executive professionals (Vision 2). It was possible to identify: a) the factors that will affect the atmosphere of the environment; b) the factors that need change for physical retail to serve the consumer; c) the most important relationships between physical retail versus the consumer; d) the dimension of greatest value to the consumer and e) as regards behavior.
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