Collaborative governance in the implementation and maintenance of wind farms in the state of Ceará




Collaboration, Confidence, Community, Collaborative governance


Objective: To analyze how Collaborative Governance [GC] manifests itself in the implementation and maintenance of wind farms, from the community’s perspective.
Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative research, with the object of the research being the “local communities” in the cities of Icaraí de Amontada, Trairi and São Gonçalo do Amarante, located in the state of Ceará, in wind energy enterprises”. To analyze and interpret the in-depth interviews, the Content Analysis [AC] was chosen, with Atlas TI as a support tool.
Results: The results demonstrate that energy distribution needs to be seen as a collective good and the relationship between the company and the community should be based on GC, where public and private agents work collectively and collaboratively, in addition to the need for a social license to operate [LSO] for projects that have an impact on community life as a result of such governance. In the initial conditions of the collaborative process, there was a sense of trust at the beginning of the establishment of the wind farms that was not sustained during maintenance. It also shows the importance of a face-to-face communication, since the community’s most important resource and source of income is at stake: the land.
Originality/value: This research is notable for its contribution and originality in exploring the theoretical constructs of Collaborative Governance and its practice in the construction of company-community relationships in wind farms from the community’s perspective.


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Author Biographies

Roseilda Nunes Moreira, Universidade de Fortaleza

PhD in Business Administration (UNIFOR, 2018); Master in Business Administration (UNIFOR, 2006); Postgraduate in Strategic Marketing Management (FGV, 2000); Graduated in Administration (UFC, 1994). Undergraduate and graduate professor, minister of Marketing, Market Intelligence, Endomarketing, Strategic Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, ESG, Corporate Governance and Socio-environmental Responsibility. Coordinator for 11 years of the Career and Market Relations area at UNI7. Creation of programs, career mentoring for UNI7 students and graduates; Career at Real, UNI7 at School and UNI7 Around the World. I participated in the Management Committee of GO7 - business pre-incubator; Responsible for the social projects Com.dominio Digital and Escola Social do Varejo - Classes at UNI7. Substitute Professor at UECE. Content teacher and distance education (EaD) tutor at UFC Virtual, UNI7 and UECE. I was an executive at Ipiranga Companhi de Petróleo and Allianz Seguros. Organizational consultant in the area of marketing, commercial sustainability.

Roberto Ney Ciarlini Teixeira, Universidade de Fortaleza

He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (1980), a degree in Business Administration from the State University of Ceará (1986), a master's degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1999), a doctorate in Production Engineering from the University Federal de Santa Catarina (2005) and Post-Doctorate at the "Graduate School of Business and Public Policy of the Naval Postgraduate School" (Monterey, California, USA, 2013/2014). He is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Fortaleza (acting at the undergraduate level at the Center for Technological Sciences and at the graduate level at the Professional Master's Degree in City Sciences-MPCC) and mechanical engineer at the State University of Ceará. He has experience in Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering and Administration with emphasis on Economic Engineering, Project Evaluation, Process Management, Conventional and CNC Machining Processes, Industrial Maintenance, Industrial Waste Management and Reverse Logistics. He has extensive academic experience as Professor, Coordinator of Undergraduate Courses, Director of the Center for Technological Sciences and Vice-Rector for Research and Graduate Studies. Full Member of the Cearense Academy of Engineering - ACE, occupying Chair No. 36. Substitute Member of the Chamber of Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineering of CREA-Ceará. Alternate Member of the Board of Directors of the Engineering Club of Ceará -CEC. Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of Academia Cearense de Engenharia - ACE.


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How to Cite

Moreira, R. N., & Teixeira, R. N. C. (2024). Collaborative governance in the implementation and maintenance of wind farms in the state of Ceará. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 17(spe. 1), e5.