The adoption of cooperative strategies by micro and small consulting firms as a mechanism of competitive advantage
Cooperative Strategies, Competitive advantage, Micro and Small BusinessAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the adoption of cooperative strategies by micro and small consulting firms as a competitive advantage tool.Although the literature usually relates the examples of cooperation strategies to cases of large companies, the practice has been usual among small organizations. Increased competition and the need to survive in a competitive environment have been identified as the main causes of cooperation between small companies, who see in cooperative strategies possibilities to add value to their services (BORTOLASO; VERSCHOORE; ANTUNES, 2012; DOZ; HAMEL 1998; CHILD; FAULKNER, TALLMAN, 2005). Through a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative study it aims to relate the motivation in adopting such cooperative strategies to various economic and management lenses that provide theoretical support to the subject. The results showed that cooperative strategies practiced by micro and small consulting firms have enabled competitive advantage over companies that do not adopt them, mitigating the competitive vulnerability and adding more value to their activities.
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