The influence of commitment, entrenchment and support of transfer on the impact of training at work


  • Laércio André Gassen Balsan Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Vânia Medianeira Flores Costa Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Luis Felipe Dias Lopes Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Mauren Pimentel Lima Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Andressa Schaurich dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



This article aims to identify the influence of organizational commitment and entrenchment, as well as support for the transfer of training on the impact of on-the-job training. For this, a sample of 392 servers from a public institution of higher education who responded to a questionnaire prepared from previously validated self-assessment models was used. After quantitatively analyzing the data, the results showed positive correlations between affective commitment, the impact of training and support to transfer at work; and negative correlations between the training impact at work and the dimensions of entrenchment (limitations of alternatives and bureaucratic arrangements). It was concluded, therefore, that the nature of the individual's link with the organization differently affects the transfer of the learning obtained in the trainings, which can subsidize strategies for the strengthening of the training impact at work.This article aims to identify the influence of organizational commitment and entrenchment, as well as support for the transfer of training on the impact of on-the-job training. For this, a sample of 392 servers from a public institution of higher education who responded to a questionnaire prepared from previously validated self-assessment models was used. After quantitatively analyzing the data, the results showed positive correlations between affective commitment, the impact of training and support to transfer at work; and negative correlations between the training impact at work and the dimensions of entrenchment (limitations of alternatives and bureaucratic arrangements). It was concluded, therefore, that the nature of the individual's link with the organization differently affects the transfer of the learning obtained in the trainings, which can subsidize strategies for the strengthening of the training impact at work.


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How to Cite

Balsan, L. A. G., Costa, V. M. F., Bastos, A. V. B., Lopes, L. F. D., Lima, M. P., & Santos, A. S. dos. (2018). The influence of commitment, entrenchment and support of transfer on the impact of training at work. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 10(6), 976–989.

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