The construction of "the other": the right-wing populism in Europe and its functional other image




Other Image, Constructivism, Populism, Right-wing, Europe


This paper examines what “other image” is and how it is used functionally to construct social realities generally. It is focused on the West’s other perception and how some of these others reach to present day by showing linear characteristics. In this perspective, it is drawn attention to the populism and its right-wing version which is seen one of the important phenomena of the 21st century. It is aimed to be shown that how the latest wave right-wing populist parties in Europe have an attitude and describe some of non-Western parts of the Europe as others and attempt to come to power by polarising societies and benefit from the unrest of the people emerged from current social, economical, political crisis.


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Biografia do Autor

Nurcan Ceyhan, İstanbul University

Ph.D Candidate at Istanbul University


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Como Citar

Ceyhan, N. (2020). The construction of "the other": the right-wing populism in Europe and its functional other image. InterAção, 11(2), 6–16.



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